Saturday, May 17, 2008

My Problem with Indian People (Part 4 of a 500-part series)

Dear (Indian) Sir,

I'm staring at the charge slip you just signed. I see your signature, the charge amount, the suggested tip amounts, and then your tip. Why? Why so little? You just paid over $100 for your dinner, and yet you leave $2.00 for the tip. Why? You raved about how good everything was, you had no complaints, I put up with your stuck-up bullshit and your ugly ill-mannered children who made a complete fucking mess by throwing rice everywhere. Yet still, there it is, you perpetuating the stereotype that Indian people are cheap and don't tip, which isn't really a stereotype since the majority of them are cheap, like you, you douchenozzle. You're not in India anymore, you can't pull this bullshit here. I hear you complaining sometimes about how Americans treat you like you're an Indian stereotype for "no reason," but the problem is that you have your head stuck so far up your ass that you can't see that their actions are sadly justified. The worst part of your lack of intelligence and disregard for human decency is, your bastard children are learning this habit from you, who will undoubtedly instill it in their children, and so on and so fucking forth. So next time you're in, please, man up and try to leave, oh, I don't know, I'll be lenient, 10% for the tip. Just remember, if you don't, I'll add it for you, because I fucking can.

Pissed off NRI

P.S. Get a decent haircut. Your head looks like a poodle's ass.

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