Friday, December 5, 2008

Favorite Moments In Film

This clip always makes me feel good, even on the shittiest days...

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Favorite Moments In Film

Bryan Singer may have missed the mark (slightly) with Superman Returns by not having enough action sequences, but no one can say he doesn't know action after directing one of the best opening action scenes ever. Like ever. Just makes you wish he stuck around for X3, which I loathed. I mean, how do you ruin so many characters? How do you ruin Juggernaut? Fuck you Ratner.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Favorite Moments In Film

Tarantino just has a knack for simple yet classic conversations. This is probably the best example (besides the female version in Death Proof), though if Mr. Pink ever decided not to tip in my restaurant I'd cut off his fucking ear.