Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Wednesdays With Oliver

I had to fire Oliver 2 weeks ago for being terrible at his job, not for being an idiot, but I'll leave you with one last gem.

Oliver: How come some Indian people have normal names and some have weird ones?

Me: You mean how some have Catholic names and others have Indian names?

Oliver: Yeah.

Me: Well some Indians are Catholic and get Catholic names and some are Hindu and get Hindu or traditional Indian names.

Oliver: That's dumb. They should just choose easy names like John and stuff.

Me: Yeah, and they should wear gold stars on their clothes.

Oliver: Do they do that?

Me: Have you ever heard of the Holocaust?

Oliver: Is that a band?

Me: Are you kidding me?

Oliver: Why? Is it a really good band? Are they metal? I love metal bro.

1 comment:

chemskank said...

I believe everyone will be mourning the loss of Oliver