Friday, May 16, 2008

Cons of Having a Smart Car (So Far)

1. The attention. Sometimes it's a little awkward. Everyone needs a little private time in their car to pick their nose and such, but now I can't because every damn person is watching me.

2. Meeting interesting people. People are fucking weird. And ballsy. I've already had two people ask me to give them a ride around parking lots (which I did) and one (huge) guy ask to sit in the front seat (which I allowed out of fear). I also don't enjoy sitting in a restaurant and watching people paw, stroke, and look inside the car while I'm eating. I'm looking into shock-alarm systems...

3. Idiots trying to race me. Now I'm always down for this at least once a day, but I don't need every other Beamer-driving asshole looking over at me, waving, honking, or otherwise indicating to me that they want to race. At this point, I may just swerve into you and force you into a ditch, and there's a shitload of ditches around here.

4. Drivers slowing down to look. This is extremely annoying as of late, even more so when I'm in a rush. The fact that I have an adorable car does not mean you need to slow down to look or take extra time at a stop sign, especially when YOU'RE IN FRONT OF ME!

5. People laughing. I don't get what's so funny about a small Indian guy driving a cute tiny blue car while blasting Tori Amos with his windows down. Someone explain this to me.

I'm sure there will be many more of these to come as well.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

#5 is why we are friends...
just sayin'

how sad now i'm that person who posts on your blog

the most stone cold bitch ever

(yes, i gave myself a promotion)